Black Market Exchange RatesBuyingSelling
Dollar (USD) to Naira₦1450₦1470
Pound (GBP) to Naira₦1830₦1870
Euro (EUR) to Naira₦1530₦1580
Canadian Dollar (CAD) to Naira₦1100₦1200
Australian Dollar (AUD) to Naira₦1400₦1750
Rand (ZAR) to Naira₦50₦70
Dirham (AED) to Naira₦250₦320
Yuan (RMB) to Naira₦120₦150
Cedis (GHS) to Naira₦70₦90
CFA F. (XOF) to Naira₦1700₦1900
CFA F. (XAF) to Naira₦1400₦1750


Black Market Exchange Rate Converter for Naira

While the official exchange rate in Nigeria is set by the Central Bank, a thriving black market exists for currencies like the US Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling and more. To navigate this market, several online tools offer real-time exchange rate conversion which our tool, AbokiFX.APP is one of them.

AbokiFX.APP provide the most comprehensive black market rates for various currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AED, and more. It’s quick and easy to use, displays both buying and selling rates, see exchange rate table below.

How do I use to convert currencies?

  • – Goto, you will see the currency coverter tool
  • – Select the currency you’re converting from and the currency you want to convert to.
  • – Input the amount you want to convert.
  • – The tool will display the converted amount automatically based on the current exchange rate.


Is it legal to use the black market for currency exchange in Nigeria?

While not strictly legal, the black market is widely used in Nigeria due to challenges in accessing foreign currencies through official channels. However, it’s essential to understand the risks involved and proceed with caution.

How reliable are the exchange rates on these tools?

The accuracy of rates can vary depending on the tool and source. Aboki Forex is generally considered to be the most reliable source for black market rates.

What are the risks of using the black market?

Risks include:

  • – Counterfeit currency
  • – Fraudulent transactions
  • – Arrest or detention by authorities
  • – Loss of funds due to scams or price manipulation


What are some tips for safely using the black market?


  • – Deal with trusted individuals or organizations.
  • – Verify exchange rates with multiple sources.
  • – Conduct transactions in a secure location.
  • – Count money carefully before exchanging.
  • – Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
  • – Be aware of potential scams.


Are there any alternatives to the black market?

Yes, consider:

  • – Official channels like banks or Bureau de Change (BDCs), although availability and rates may be limited.
  • – International money transfer services, which offer legal and secure ways to exchange currencies.
  • – Peer-to-peer exchange platforms, which connect individuals for currency exchange.


Which tool is best for me?

The best tool depends on your needs and preferences. Consider factors like:

  • – The range of currencies offered
  • – The accuracy and reliability of rates
  • – Ease of use and accessibility.
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