A heartbreaking incident occurred at the Federal Polytechnic in Ilaro, Ogun State, where a student named Samuel Adegoke tragically took his own life. The reason behind this devastating decision was the loss of his school fees and his friend’s fees in an online betting game.
Samuel, a second-year National Diploma student studying Electrical Electronic Engineering, made a fateful choice on Friday when he decided to use his school fees for online betting. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side, and he lost the money. In a desperate attempt to recover the lost funds, he resorted to accessing his roommate’s account by deceiving him and used his friend’s fees for further betting, only to meet another loss.
The consequences of his actions became evident on Monday, a day that should have been dedicated to preparing for the upcoming first semester examinations. It was during this time that Samuel chose to end his own life. The school administration had previously made it clear that students who had not completed their registration would not be permitted to take their exams.
In the aftermath of this tragic event, Samuel was urgently taken to the school clinic. However, due to the severity of the situation, he was subsequently referred to a specialized hospital outside the school premises in Ilaro. Tragically, despite the efforts made to save him, Samuel was pronounced dead.